Newsletter August 2022
Date Published: 11 October 2022August 2022
We can’t quite believe it’s August already, where is this year going?
The AIT Medihelp team has been busier than ever delivering our courses from all the way up in Inverness down to Cornwall (If you didn’t know already we cover all of the UK!)
We had the launch of our first ever offer which FLEW off the shelves, be sure to check our socials to see when our next offer might be.
Please get in touch today to see how, when and where we can help you!
AIT is with you every step of the way
It’s Our Birthday!
This month AIT Medihelp is turning 13!
From humble beginnings as a team of 2, only offering face-to-face courses in Essex we are now a team of 7 and cover the whole of the UK, offering a range of face-to-face training as well as blended learning and E-Learning too!
We’re accredited by The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, an Endorsed Provider with Skills for Care and recommended by carehome.co.uk. We have so much to celebrate looking back at how far we’ve come, and this is just the start!
Sign up to our newsletter and follow our social media accounts to see how we will be celebrating this month!
Safe storage of medicines in the heat
The recommended storage for most medicines at room temperature is 8 – 25°C
Some medicines now come with instructions allowing storage up to 30°. Daily room temperature monitoring is recommended in care settings, though local medication policy should be followed at all times.
If temperatures consistently exceed those recommended (usually for more than ~5 days) try simple remedial measures:
- close curtains or blinds
- use fans
- remove (or do not use) nearby electrical items generating heat
If this does not improve conditions:
- consider air conditioning
- find a more suitable storage room for medicines
- ensure temperature logs are saved and record any remedial action taken
If you are unsure whether individual medicines can continue to be used after storage at consistently high temperatures, contact your local pharmacy for advice.