Professional Services

Service You Can Trust

Our expert pharmacists are here to help support you with a range of professional advice and services.

Medication Audits

Are you confident you are meeting the required regulatory standards for the safe management of medicines? We can help!

We can arrange comprehensive medicines management audits with one of our experienced pharmacists.

What Benefits Does It Have?

  1. Ensuring compliance with regulations
  2. Evidence of staff competency with medication
  3. Preventing and reducing errors
  4. Demonstrating accountability
  5. Identifying opportunities for staff development

Our robust medication audit will consider the following areas of safe medicines management:
• Storage & disposal
• Administering & handling
• Accurate record keeping
• Controlled drugs
• “When required” medication (PRN)
• Non-prescribed medicines (Homely remedies)

During the visit we will advise and support you with your policies and procedures, including:
• Reconciliation of medicines
• Social leave
• Self-medication
• Covert administration
• Staff training and competencies
• Error/incident reporting (and corrective action)

We can also, with your permission, observe your staff administering medicines to the people they care for and provide any applicable feedback.

Following our visit we will provide you with a comprehensive written report with recommended actions where appropriate and provide ongoing advice and support to ensure medicines are managed correctly. We will also supply any of our forms or templates for you to use in the safe administration of medicines.

Fee & Booking: from £325.00 (+ VAT) depending on size of care setting, mileage charged @ £0.45 per mile.

Please contact us for a no obligation chat on 07860 484270, email: or use our contact form

Medication Policies Consultation

We are highly experienced in both the creation and revision of medication policies in care settings.

We can also advise on legislation and best practices with regard to;

  • Accurately listing (reconciling) & reviewing medicines
  • Ordering, receiving, storing and disposing of medicines
  • Controlled Drugs
  • “When required” (PRN) protocols
  • Homely (over the counter) remedy policies
  • Self-administration of medicines
  • Covert administration
  • Record keeping
  • Transfer of care
  • Identifying, reporting & reviewing medicines related problems


We will consult with you to establish your particular needs, then supply you with a detailed report giving best practice recommendations and/or action points in order to ensure you are fulfilling the appropriate criteria.


Fee & Booking: £85.00 per hour (+ VAT) 

Please contact us for a no obligation chat on 07860 484270, email: or use our contact form

Error Management Consultations

Our Error Management Consultations are designed to help you meet the “Learning Culture” criteria outlined by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), ensuring a robust approach to managing errors and improving practices.

Our consultations focus on creating an open environment where errors are seen as learning opportunities, not just incidents to avoid. Through a thorough assessment of your existing practices, we help you identify areas for improvement and develop tailored strategies and action plans that enhance error reporting, reduce future risks, and promote a culture of accountability and support.

Key benefits of our consultations:

  • Encouraging open discussions about errors to foster learning
  • Providing expert guidance on error reporting and analysis
  • Promoting transparency and continuous improvement across teams
  • Aligning practices with CQC’s “Learning Culture” criteria

By engaging with our expert team, you can ensure that your organisation is meeting regulatory expectations while creating a safe, learning-oriented environment that supports the well-being of both staff and the individuals they care for.

Fee & Booking: £375 (+ VAT) 

Please contact us for a no obligation chat on 07860 484270, email: or use our contact form

We also provide:

Online E-Learning

Online E-Learning

Meeting your learning needs with our engaging, interactive training courses.

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Face-to-Face Training

Face-to-Face Training

Skills for Care Endorsed training you can trust

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Distance & Blended Learning

Distance & Blended Learning

A flexible approach combining quality distance learning materials alongside virtual sessions led by our pharmacist trainers.

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